What Right Do I Have Poem by Randy McClave

What Right Do I Have

I am a straight white male
Racism or bigotry against me never did prevail,
Never was I attacked or mocked for being white
And me being a heterosexual was an acceptable right.
I'm a man so I can never become childbearing
To the world that fact I am declaring,
I could have sex with everyone that there is
But, I can't get pregnant because I'm a his.
I'm a Christian, and being a Baptist is my belief
It raises my soul and gives me great relief,
I am not Islam, Hindu, Buddhist or Jew
So, I cannot judge other religions, because of them I don't have a clue.
I am an American free and proud
I will always proudly recite that fact to any crowd,
But, another country citizen I will not hatefully insult in anyway
Just, because I'm from the USA.
How can I tell anyone how to live their life
What right do I have to mock them or to give them pain or strife,
Just because they are nothing at all like me
How from their eyes and soul can I feel and see.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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