What's The Rush Poem by Audrey Heller

1264 / 847
Audrey Heller

Audrey Heller

Bronx, New York/ Now residing in Florida

What's The Rush

Can you fathom, how fast, the months
are passing by! All one has to do, is
blink an eye. What's the rush, I say
to myself, why is it, in such a hurry?
I'd like to slow down too and not, have
to scurry! Look at what's ahead of us,
soon we're facing the holiday's. I'd kind
of like to take my time, I really can think,
of lots of ways. Before you turn around,
we'll be coming into a new year and of
course, who knows what lies ahead. I'd
like to think it's going to be better, but
frankly speaking, I fear, we'll have more
to dread! It's really been a very chaotic
year and I can't help wonder, could
matters, really get worse. We need to
have some awfully big changes, for the
way we're living, is surely a curse! I guess
we have to try and be optimistic, instead
of being pessimistic and let the chips
fall, where they may. Let's start by having
good thoughts, as that's the only thing I
can think of, that will send bad vibes, away!

1264 / 847
Audrey Heller

Audrey Heller

Bronx, New York/ Now residing in Florida
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