What She Left Him Poem by Jim Yerman

What She Left Him

His mother had a way of lighting up a room…
a grace, an elegance, a unique and singular style…
It was something that he noticed every time he saw her smile.

He doesn't remember the first time he saw her smile
so much of a baby's life is a blur…
which made him wonder how many times she must have smiled at him…before he smiled back at her.

How many times since the first smile he remembers….did she smile at him?
He can't begin to guess at the amount….
Even if he had been keeping track…he would have, long ago, lost count.

Because that's one of the beauties of a mother's smile…as the days and years go by
she always has another smile to give…as if she has an infinite supply.

Her smiles continued as she grew older
"My smile keeps me young", she'd say, "because every time I smile all my wrinkles fade away".

He remembers the day she died…although so much about that day is still a blur
he does remember how she smiled at him….and how he smiled back at her….

And he knows she's not completely gone…even though it's been a while…
because every time he looks in the mirror he sees…
how she left him with her smile.

Monday, October 26, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: mother,smile
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