When Poem by Jim Yerman


We ran across some old photo albums of our children the other day and were amazed how time has flown...
because our children are not children any more…
our children are all grown.

The proof was right before our eyes…yet we were still appalled
When did our children grow up…when did they get so tall?

When did the babies in these pictures grow into little boys?
Wasn't it only yesterday they were playing with baby toys?

This baby with the blond hair…which occasionally had a curl…
when did she stop crawling…when did she become a little girl?

We were there at the beginning and for all the times in between
Yet as we looked at our children in these photos we wondered…
when did they hit their teens…

As we continued looking at more pictures, we continued wondering when…
When did our little girl turn into a woman?
when did our little boys turn into men?

And as we sat together reminiscing…
looking at the same pictures over and over again
We thought how some of the fondest memories in life begin with…remember when.

And we were glad we were there to make those memories…
and we swore we'd do it all again…
for another chance to sit together…
another the chance to remember when…

But when we picked up next album…
and turned the pages we were appalled….
When did we get four grandchildren?
And when did they get so tall?

Saturday, December 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: family
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