When Is A Poem A Poem? Poem by Denis Martindale

When Is A Poem A Poem?

When is a poem a poem,
When sharing truths sublime,
When answering the poet's whim,
Compressed complete in rhyme?
Or can lines not rhymed still portray
The poet's mastery,
Such that with winsome thoughts relay
Respected poetry?
When is a poem a poem,
When shining clear and bright,
When poets cut long words to slim
And trim till taut and tight?
Or can unfettered themes run wild,
No punctuation zone,
Yet leaving readers quite beguiled
With words and words alone?
When is a poem a poem,
When forceful like a sword,
Or sanctified within a hymn
That draws us to the Lord?
Or can some poets reach the stage
When nonsense verse seems best?
I choose to write to bless each page
So readers are refreshed!

Denis Martindale March 2017.

When Is A Poem A Poem?
Monday, March 6, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poems,writing
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