When Love Comes Knocking Poem by shel cope

When Love Comes Knocking

Rating: 5.0

When Love Comes Knocking
relax and take your time.
don't be afraid
to change your life

Make a step
towards your Happy Future
surrounded by love

Show the world
the giant you’ve been hiding

(Overwhelmed by daily spam tsunamis this is a collage of some of the spam headers)


Amazing how much better they sound in a poem.

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Tan Morgan 12 February 2008

Wow! I really like the effect: D

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Original Unknown Girl 14 February 2008

How innovative! I'm envious I never thought of it first - clever you! HG: -) xx

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Anna Russell 16 February 2008

This is such an original idea. The last thing I'd ever thought spam could be turned into was art - I guess you've just proved me wrong! Hugs Anna xxx

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Chuck Audette 27 October 2009

Good use of your resources. And no misspellings, either! I have one called the Spam Poem.. Which, ironically enough, it appears that PH has deleted! I'll repost it. -chuck

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Sreelekha Premjit 01 April 2008

when love comes knocking is so beautifully said. all i can say is i will be waiting, and yes will find the courage to accept with arms wide open. tnx.

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Tsira Goge 21 March 2008

shel, Your philosophy is very courageous... Can be and it is useful too... Thank you... Sincerely, Tsira

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I don't regret heeding your advice before I read it. Well, not too much, anyway. An inviting piece. t x

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Nermin Nazim 10 March 2008

so simple and so inviting and i love it. i am in this situation now and i am trying to be so, your words give me more courage. Ah l'amour, le vrais amour 10

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