When Money Is Involved Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

When Money Is Involved

When money is involved...
Titles are of no importance.

Elections conducted,
Are to seduce the proletariat.
With dangling carrots.
To increase desires to reach.
But known they will never get.

And those right to vote notions,
Set into motion...
Are to squelch protests.
To quiet perceptions of divisions,
Between the ones feeling disenfranchised.
And others of special interests to be kept.

The one who has the money wins.
And a running done to gain notoriety,
Has little or no meaning to them.

To take opinionated positions,
Based upon a popularity given...
Is not a game for them to play.
Not in a conventional public way.

When money is involved?
Those who have it decide who plays.
To leave a process believed fair,
Made quite simple.

Those who have the cash,
Are not concerned about talking trash.
Since what takes place,
Where and when...
All of it,
Still delivers a guaranteed return,
On their investments.

When money is involved...
Titles are of no importance.
Nor is there a need to run for any office.
Or make needless public appearances.

When money is involved...
People pay others to monitor their interests.
And take care of all their needs.
Whatever those needs may be.
Regardless of who, why and where...
Someone makes a decision to vote.

When money is involved...
Those who have it,
Decide who wins!

That's it!
Debates are for those seeking to be entertained.
And those with the money,
Write the script, direct and produce the affects,
'They' expect!
Until their needs are pleased.

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