Where I Do Love And Miss You Without End Poem by Gert Strydom

Where I Do Love And Miss You Without End

Rating: 3.5

Flowers and poems to you I have sent,
everything I could think of I have tried,
that you are here at a time I did pretend

where I do love and miss you without end
and at times you laughed and sometimes cried.
Flowers and poems to you I have sent,

At times gifts to you I did present
and at times your tears I have dried,
that you are here at a time I did pretend

but most of all I prayed for the virus to end
while from it many people have died.
Flowers and poems to you I have sent,

where in this time we do on God depend
and never to you about a thing I have lied,
that you are here at a time I did pretend,

locked-down too little time with you I have spend
and your happiness and sorrow I have spied.
Flowers and poems to you I have sent,
that you are here at a time I did pretend.
© Gert Strydom

Saturday, July 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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