Where Is The Respect Poem by Ronell Warren Alman

Where Is The Respect

Rating: 4.3

I am sitting in the back of the bus
Observing the children play
With the weather just gorgeous
On a very lovely day
A mother of two
Tries to discipline her son
He just would not listen
He just wanted to have fun
As the mother told him to sit down
He raised his foot at her
I couldn't believe what I saw
I was left in a stare
Where is the respect
Has this boy lost his mind
The situation is looking bleak
As the boy's behavior is so unkind

Joy Johnson 09 March 2019

I wonder why he kicked his mom So disrespectful how he made her week Nevertheless as he progress not having no respect for his mother I just sit here thinking does he have a sister or brother Oh well i guess I'm gon leave it alone Always remembering to love and respect one another Nice poem

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Edward Kofi Louis 07 August 2016

I was left in a stare! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Howard Savage 12 January 2016

Live is ever evolving and it appears to be getting worse, lack of respect. No history of self. Great poem.

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Ronell Warren Alman

Ronell Warren Alman

New York City, NY
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