Aren't you tired of these cages?
Aren't you tired of no changes?
Your drained face is the answer
Your empty eyes the reply
And that one day you broke down
Took your things and left
And shame took your heart in a final act of theft
The greatest journey starts
With a single step, tear, word
And still it felt like yours emanated
From a world of dire hurt
But it'll be worth it in the end
And we'll forget it all
Left with no heart to mend
Walking towards the sunset
To where never meets forever
Finally home
Braving the path of release
Afraid and all alone
Dragging your broken limbs
And your heart heavier than stone
More than once did you crumble
And fall to your knees
But with every rise
You thread more heavily
In this graveyard of repetition
The sun doesn't shine
The wind doesn't blow
And when you stop wishing to go back
Remember what you've been told:
As the fire sweeps the filth beneath your feet
When you feel your marrow chilled ice cold
In the decay of aspiring thoughts
You'll feel the truth unfold
After tasting your own blood
Mending your fissurred bone
You'll live dreaming of the end
Waiting for your return home
The greatest journey starts
With a single step, tear, word
And still it felt like yours emanated
From a world of dire hurt
But it'll be worth it in the end
And we'll forget it all
Left with no heart to mend
Walking towards the sunset
To where never meets forever
And in that tired vision
I'll be there, just a mild gleam
But I'll be enough to guide you back
No matter how hopeless it might seem
A pebble in the sand to a whale on the shore
One day you'll be back and we'll sing forever more
Finally home
good poem. thanks. I invite you to read my poems and comment.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Totally, totally beautiful!