Where Was She Poem by THEODORE MOSLEY

Where Was She

Trina sacrificed her soul for Marvin to sustain his dreams of entrepreneurship.

She tutored him through high school; her studies fell by the wayside.

Prom was exhilarating for Marvin; for Trina it was exhausting.

College became her tomb of his needs; she was his sacrificial lamb!

Marvin's exams created insatiable mental instability for Trina.

Owner of Marvin's Law Firm he strives for the "Circuit Courts".

Trina has nourished three kids from her womb for his legacy.

Tina the Assistant D.A. flames the fires of his desires with her eyes.

The office has become Marvin's interpersonal home away from home.

Trina and their offspring walk through the doors of her heart to their law firm.

Time moved her to another dimension; mass destruction was inhaling and exhaling within her mind.

Trina landed on the moon with her emotions of tears that captured her love.

The satellite of her dreams came into existence when she settled her being back on earth.

Marvin's simplicity of reasoning betrayed him with the refund of his trust.

Trina said where was she when my youth was wasted on your nights of privileges.

Did she campaign for your exams that I exhumed with my mind for your intellect?

Where was she when death knocked on my heart and soul three times for your legacy of institution of fatherhood?

Marvin where was she; tell me where was she; answer me where was she?

Written by Theodore Mosley
August 30,2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love,love and dreams,love and life
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