Whispering To Butterflies Poem by Jim Yerman

Whispering To Butterflies

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"Grandma! You have so many beautiful flowers in your yard." Her granddaughter gasped. "Do you mind if I ask you why? "
"Because I'm always making wishes" Grandma said, "so I need a lot of butterflies."

Grandma took her granddaughter's hand and together they sat amongst the flowers…She said, "you can't tell by looking at them…but butterflies have great power."

"The indigenous people who first lived on this land believed in the Great Spirit, they believed in wishing…and in butterflies too and they believed there is a simple way to make a wish come true.

"You whisper your wish to a butterfly…for butterflies are sworn to secrecy and know exactly what to do…they will deliver your wish to whatever Great Spirit you happen to be wishing to."

The granddaughter looked into her Grandma's eyes and asked, "Grandma, do all your wishes come true? "
"Not all of them, " her Grandma said hugging her granddaughter close…"but, if you're lucky, some important ones do.

"That's why I have so many flowers." She smiled. "It comes down to this simple fact…since I will never run out of wishes…I need all the butterflies I can attract."

"Can anyone make a wish on a butterfly? " Her granddaughter asked. "Anyone." Her Grandma said…"Anyone who sees a butterfly…and has a wish within their head."

Now, every time her granddaughter visits…after saying hi to Grandma…it's no longer a surprise…to see her run right out to the garden and whisper to the butterflies.

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