Whittling Off The Final Dimension's Curve Poem by Paul Amrod

Whittling Off The Final Dimension's Curve

Something abstract appeared within my imagination transforming
my perspective and inventing a fluxing gyration of a pulsing mirage.
Then an enigmatic whispering whistled into my ears mildly warming
my pleasurable nouveau reassuring my acceptance of this new image.
Appeased while smugly grinning I felt eased and tenderly pacified
as this fata morgana cradled my senses as an elegant enchantress
did stealthily creep winking and prancing through my vision quite charming.
I fought off my wariness to spontaneously encounter and bounteously beatify
the circumstance relishing this moment of felicity and dauntlessness.
Seemingly enamored I tipped my crown backwards to magnificently intensify
this experience accentuating the veracity of the wood nymphs performing.
Obscured beneath the surface are the confidential murmurings of a seamstress
who weaves her wonders which hold the gnomes conjured and totally mystified.
Raising the inquest to ponder another resolution to capture the entourage
meandering between the nightly fog and the squeaky swamp does solemnify
the hosts of heaven who sing the Hosanna to a recklessly decadent baroness.
Only the heart-warming phrases will impede the deleterious barrage
which will surrender to the soothing utterances of a beneficent montage.
Weeping bitterly by a babbling brook is the spirit of an abandoned princess
who collapsed under the pressure of her royal station so miserably preoccupied.
A carefree urchin in contrast plays with the toys of Nature building a collage
of wild flowers chasing a hedgehog into the brush playing a prophetess.
Cuddling with her Teddy Bear dreaming of her Nanny's voice with a lullaby
fading into the splendor of her cherished slumber of complete luxuriance.
The entire existence is enthralled with the realization of the personified
chaperoned by her identity whittling off the final dimension's curve, blessed
with the ingenuity to depict her fantasy as reality devoid of self-sabotage.
Achieving the capacity to engender glory through a wonderful perseverance
constantly varying her surroundings with a personal fondle to exemplify
the exertion of intuition and tenacity reaching outwardly with confidence.
The ultimate rendition of her willingness is her decisively incessant diligence
which facilitates her emotions to remain steadfast as she is newly forming.
Sensitive to the cosmic waves which encompass her efforts she will vivify
her compatriots to strive for their internal vigor while keenly informing
them over aspirations and the gifts of life bringing light to each visage.
The clarification of priorities is a personal endeavor without warning
to assist attaining expectations as one travels with certitude and courage.

Paul Amrod

Paul Amrod

Chateaugay, New York
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