Who Poem by AHO Speaks


Who brought forth more stars than we can ever know
Distance measured in light years which it did sow
Life along with a body, sense's and mind; for the information to flow.
You gave us a place to live with our very own sun
To give us the seed as a piece of the holy one
It can only be you, as we wait for your; 'will to be done'.

To be given our emotions as part of the thought
Along with the promise even when we believe or not
Image our world is bathed by the holy light as our tiny dot.

Our bodies to carry our sense's to and fro
A piece of your love called a soul for us to know
We are with you as you are with us; as we grow.

Who knows us better than you
So many obvous signs and we deny the view
We have been given everything and we don't have a clue.

We allow our future to slip through our hands
Why do we hesitate when the children given are so grand?
Life is the gift filled with energy of thought and can stand.

The world is our oyster taken from the sea
It matters not where or how many; as long as it includes; you and me
Image part of the show and didn't have to pay a fee.

It matters not where we wander or where we go
To have a mind filled with energy so so we will know
It's the questions stupid, that allow our minds to glow.

I've stayed up half the night searching and to pray
Not enough hours of light for this overcast day
This is serious business and my hair is turning gray.

I hope the answer comes before the next question
It doesn't take much anymore to give me depression
Luckily I'm a Catholic and can go to confession.

10-23-05 Aho Speaks

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