'' Why Do Your Gods Need Cash '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' Why Do Your Gods Need Cash ''

Would someone please enlighten me?
I'd love to have my mind set free,
With the religious I cannot agree,
Why the need to be so flash.

Massive buildings dripping in gold,
Statuettes the rich would behold,
Yet their wealth they try to withhold,
Would their Gods let their businesses crash?

Millions invested in stocks and shares,
Gods living off of your capitalist wares,
While still citing the good lords prayers,
It's really a bit of a hash.

Telling us we must remain true,
Through austerity that’s what you do,
So why does it not apply to you,
With Gods teachings there’s a bit of a clash.

It’s surely hypocrisy to take from the poor,
While you live in what is grandeur,
Would a God allow it, I’m not so sure,
Would he say your morals are trash.

Billions in investments and works of art,
Money being made going off the chart,
These God fellows must be very smart,
As Wall Street they could turn into ash.

Do religious leaders have a direct line?
To whom this money do you consign,
A heavenly bank account sounds just fine,
Albeit a trifle brash.

Gods who can create whatever they need,
Yet taking funds from those who bleed,
It’s on peoples beliefs you vultures feed,
You’re all over them like a poisonous rash.

If your God walked by the people would stare,
I’m certain they’d say this isn’t fair,
A God who needs to be a billionaire?
I wonder where he keeps his stash.

The secret is out it’s the bishop of bling,
Spending £26 million is a bit of a sting,
He needed the money to buy God a ring,
Now he’s living on bangers and mash.

It’s a perfectly simple question to ask,
Even Gods can be taken to task,
Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask,
Please tell us,

‘’ Why Your Gods Need Cash ‘’

A question for those in high places in all religious groups.
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