Why Is Vaccination Important? Poem by Daya Nandan

Why Is Vaccination Important?

Anti vaccination groups are a problem in our land,
With their ridiculous theories that have no end,
They spread the lies and doubts to the uneducated,
To strengthen their stance on vaccines that are created,

More people are influenced and more children are unvaccinated,
The death toll increases as the environment is contaminated,
Preventable diseases start infecting innocent young lives,
More irreplaceable losses to all the careless husbands and wives,

Diphtheria and Measles are just a few of the diseases that are returning,
Yet our people keep making the same mistakes, why are we not learning? ,
The herd immunity defence for people who cannot be vaccinated is weaker,
Because of anti vaccination groups using social media as a speaker,

Those with cancer or are undergoing steroid based treatments cannot be vaccinated,
Those who are undergoing cancer treatment, those who HIV has contaminated,
Those with AIDS, or any immune system related disease cannot have vaccine's protection,
They have to rely on herd immunity to stop the spreading of diseases and infection,

If most are vaccinated against a disease then that disease cannot effectively spread,
It cannot easily reach the unvaccinated individuals to infect and leave dead,
That defence that the unvaccinated individuals rely on is called herd immunity,
The defence for the vulnerable only possible through vaccination unity.

The anti vaccination groups are creating a death sentence for the lives in our land,
They are creating the right environment for diseases to spread with no end,
Let us not destroy our own motherland, let us not seal our nation's fate,
Follow the doctor's orders to vaccinate your children before it is too late!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: doctors,health
Kelly Kurt 30 June 2016

I hope many people get this important message, Daya.

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