Winds Poem by Soumili Karmakar


Winds are blowing
As we are venturing through the north and south pole,
The east and west waving at her to call my only home.
The currents of Pacific Ocean is basking in the light of my cherishing sun,
And our Indian Ocean is rippling, When waters of Pacific is wavering with them in gentle turns.

The sky with hopes of reaching his world's heaven,
Even though our world is hanging like a pendant's possession untamed.
Might be a diamond, or a pearl
Swimming in the depths to meet a flaming stone, or a pure seashell dwelling in the calm.

Colours like brown, green and blue;
Mountains with snowflakes falling in December is all we knew,
As whispering in her ears the promises of air that blew for warmths till the beginning of rainbows coloring us as hues.

Words I didn't speak but admired from afar again.
As a willow tree being the shade for Lilies and roses to understand till the end.

A veil for latitudes and foggy zig-zag roads leading the destination of summer stars.
Greetings for my spring's as casting breezes in all my April's arms.

The scales of tunes measuring beats of heartily longs.
 Drawing back to remembrance of a voice in my head, and times of my songs.
Promising to be, even if feets were shivering in places I've never been, but saw her face in the wind.

This night might end, and she shall open those eyes once more
The stream flowing over pebbles,
A countenance shall be discovered and restored.
Brushing away devours of lives,
As the sun is shining in the sky.
The Equator in the middle is numb,
Degrees of the world couldn't count the stars that rose in the night to see her warm.

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