Without You Poem by ESPN CHICK

Without You

Here we go again you can't seem to make up your mind
This time its going nowhere between you and I
I'm afraid this time I can't do without you
So make up your mind

I can't get you out of my head
If only you can see that
I can't live another day without you

But deep inside I'm ready to move on without you
And I don't know what to do
It feels like I'm stuck in the middle
Between these feelings that I have for you

There are days that I love you
And there are days that I can't stand you
Make up your mind and tell me right now

Cause I'm tired of waiting for you
I want you and I know I can't live without you
But can you live without me
I need to know

Waiting here for you
Staring at the phone waiting for a call from you
Hoping that your decision will arrive soon

I've got plenty of time but I don't want to waste it all with you
If you don't want to be with me
I would like to be with you but I guess I will have to do without you
Cause you can't seem to find the answer for me

Every time I'm with you I feel like you were meant to be mine
When I'm without you I feel so alone
And I can't fake it but you need to hurry and make your mind up

Cause I don't want to wait forever on you
I would like to move on if you don't need me anymore
I feel like I've been used by you
But I can't seem to walkaway from your arms

I wish I knew what to do
I've waited for far too long
And now I feel like I need to be without you

But I every time I try to move on
I come running right back to you
You linger in my mind when I'm with someone else
I don't know what I should do I can't live without you

December 16,2007
made up

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