World Gratitude Day Poem by Jim Yerman

World Gratitude Day

Today is World Gratitude Day…so…as you head out of your door…remind yourself of all the things in your life…you are grateful for.

Those moments or things that bring a smile to your face…that keep you grounded…and tender-hearted…and as my thanks for anyone who reads this…I'll use this poem to get you started…

I am grateful for the big things that bring happiness and purpose and meaning to my life…to my friends…my family…my children…my grandchildren…and my wife.

I am grateful I have enough clothes to keep me warm and food to keep me fed…that I have a house…a car…and every night a comfortable place to lay my head.

On my early morning walks I am grateful for all the big things that I see…the moon…the stars…the ocean…every cloud and every tree.

I am grateful to the Earth and all that she is giving…from the beauty she surrounds me with…to the air that keeps me living.

I am also grateful for all the little things that come along…that catch my eye…a loving smile…an act of kindness…a singing bird…a butterfly.

A ladybug that lands upon my finger…the crickets lightly serenade…the aroma of cookies baking in the oven…any long as they're homemade.

I hope you find the time to be grateful for all the things in your life…big and small…and that, when today is over, you realize you haven't thanked them all…

But do not be discouraged if you haven't been grateful for everything on your list…because tomorrow you can be grateful for all those things you missed.

And if you begin each tomorrow being grateful…then each day you feel renewed…and every day…not just today…becomes a day of gratitude.

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