Would God Give Us A Choice, Unchosen. Poem by Michael Gale

Would God Give Us A Choice, Unchosen.

God gave us a brain...
To train-ourselves not to over strain.

He gave us a heart...
As our solid part.

He gave us, thought...
For free, not bought.

He gave us a soul...
To not waste our time to go bowl.

He gave us a soul....
In a head, not in a wooden bowl.

He gave us a part...
In life of modern times of art.

God made us say...
Work hard and not to play.

Why waste a day? ...
In silly wasted play.

God gave the forbidden fruit....
Only Eve, gave to Adam, that naked gullable brute.

God gave of Adam's rib....
To Eve to use instead of a bib.

From dust to dust...
We waste unto instead of rust.

From the dust...
Due the bust.

For the bust...
Man forever wanted in lust.

For the breast....
Man had taught that that was the best.

We must feel great sorrow...
For the past before the 'morrow.

Heightened awareness...
To the ability to ignore the forgotten, rotten fairness.

Fro' the crib, to the bridge means to all...
Death will be thy great sad fall.

Arc of the coveneth...
Way beyond all our Summer's Wintered withered, summon'th.

God gave us music country...
To look forward to something, heard ugly.

God gave us the serpent...
So that we could choose to be the master instead of the Devil's servant.

God gave us freedom of choice...
So that we would choose the Jesus rejoice.

Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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