Year Zero: P.8 (2021) Poem by DM W

Year Zero: P.8 (2021)

One minute warning:
It's time to awaken from
Consumer dreaming.
It's time to renounce worn out
Worlds of crass plastic.
It's time to transform grey stones
Into passion flowers.
It's time to get serious.
And break away from
The tiresome rat race which is
Anathema to
Real living. It spits upon
All we hold dearest.
It can never satisfy
The human spirit
Let us begin again and
Throw away all that
Is useless. It is time to
Begin again. One
Minute warning: Let us build
Again with purpose.
Let us invent fine styles that
Transcend mere fashion.
Together we can do it.
All it takes is a
Change in consciousness. So let
Us build a new world
Together, starting right now.

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