Yes The Clown Had Won Great Widespread Renown Poem by Terence George Craddock

Yes The Clown Had Won Great Widespread Renown

the clown was the best clown in the town
absolutely the best clown in the town
but the clown worked busy in a big city
the clown was sitting sweet financially pretty...
the clown was the famous in demand clown
the best in demand making people laugh clown
the clown wore a funny face paint frown
yes the clown had won great widespread renown...

the birthday of a clown was a tragic tale
the clown was not invited to his own party
the clown tried to crash his own birthday party...
but without the face paint no one wanted to know him
without the face paint frown no one recognized knew him
he was but an unknown man not a famous entertainer clown...

when he was invited to child parties
the child's party it was all work no play
no drinks no cake no chips no chocolate no ice cream
the clown hated balloons the bang of exploding balloons...
parties were full of balloons hated exploding balloons
the clown was sad but under the face paint no one noticed
without the work clown face paint frown no one cared
the clown went to the psychologist to try to get cheered up...

the psychologist asked the clown what was wrong
the clown said he was unhappy with his work
that people always expected him to clown around...
that people always expected him to clown around happy or not
thepsychologist said there was a good circus in town
go to the circus escape clown frowns and enjoy the show...

but the clown had been a clown in a circus
had run away not to but from the circus
the clown was tired of being a laughed at silly clown
the clown was tired of being a dopey clown clowning around...
even worse than the circus the clown hated birthday parties
birthday parties were almost the only work the clown was offered
except for work in the circus the clown hated work in the circus
the famous make them laugh clown hated more balloon birthday parties...

balloon birthday parties were pot of gold birthday parties
the clown was sitting sweet financially pretty on birthday parties
the clown hated soul destroying bang exploding balloon parties...

the clown had dreams not laughed at dreams he wanted to be a hero...

the clown wanted a new start hero career
to say goodbye to an exploding balloon career
a runaway with a bang new hero career...

the clown ran away to work in a rodeo
to become an all star hero clown in a wild risk rodeo
to become an amazing an all star hero clown in a famous rodeo
the clown risked life limb to save fallen cowboys in a wild risk rodeo...
in the limelight skilled cowboys roped calves cows horses bulls
in the limelight cowboys rode calves cows kicking horses bucking bulls
in the hero light the clown danced jumped ran to save fallen cowboys
in the hero light none laughed all cheered the clown saving cowboys...

it was a wonderful life for a clown afraid of hating being laughed at
it was a wonderful life for a clown afraid of hating exploding balloons
it was a wonderful life being a hero clown in a famous wild risk rodeo...

Sunday, November 29, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: career,circus,cowboys,entertainment,hero,laughing,laughter,lifestyle,work
Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Written in November 2020 on the 25&30.11.2020.
Complete version of the split images 'A Face Paint Frown Famous Entertainer Clown', 'The Clown Was Invited To Parties But Never Got To Play', 'A Clown Was Sitting Sweet Financially Pretty But...', '
by the poet Terence George Craddock.
Varsha M 29 November 2020

Stupendous inspirational and positive note poetry. Admirations.

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