Yes...Your Situation Is Quite Different Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Yes...Your Situation Is Quite Different

'I am in pain.
And you act as 'if',
You aren't concerned about my wellbeing...
Or my dilemma,
Not one bit.

My agonies have increased.
And not a hint of empathy...
Have you expressed,
Knowing I am...
As you see,
In distress.'

I agree.
Your evaluation of me,
I can not deny.
Nor will I try.

But even though I am attempted...
To do an 'eye-for-an-eye',
OR a turning of the other cheek business.
I can not do that.
Even as your words to me heard...
To stop complaining,
And stand on my own two feet.
As I reached to get your assistance...
In my own hour of need,
You then described as weakness.

Those very words spoken to me,
Years ago...
Came from your lips.

And you didn't stop there,
You solicited others to defame and laugh at me.
I remember that clearly.
Maybe that act you performed,
Has attached to my lack of expressing an empathy...
You believed is deserved from me.

We all make mistakes
And maybe mine made were at your expense.
Being able to forgive replenishes.
And clearly my situation is quite different.
I've lost everything.'

I see.
And even your common sense.
Your situation is quite different.
I'm not feeling your self pity.
And that weakness shown to you...
Is nothing like your conditional spinelessness.

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