You Are Not Alone Poem by Melvina Germain

You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

I think when we realize we are our own best friend, we will then love to spend time alone as I do. I love that solace with me and you know, clearly, I love me. I've said it before, there's no one in this whole wide world that stands better than me. I don't care what status he or she holds, they can rise to the top of the mountain and scream how much better than all they are. They can count their university certificates and hold them under my eyes for me to see. They can be the greatest motivational speakers in this world and move audiences, they still are no better than me. We are never alone, we have... me, myself and I...

We stand together and constantly speak to each other, our inner abilities are massive only for us to explore and extend because we are, our only true friend. Surely we realize that at any given moment, we can not stand alone, if we acknowledge the spirit world then we know, we're covered abundantly with that spiritual energy that surrounds us. All we have to do is call on it and communicate in silence, seek and ye shall receive, we've heard that before. I think it's crucial that we learn and accept who we truly are. Those who believe in the Bilbe will remember, it is said that we are created in His image. If we truly believe that our God has such greatness and He is the optimum creator, then we also believe that we all hold greatness and with that greatness we accept equality of the human race.

If we choose not to believe in God per sae, we must still realize there is somthing still on a higher realm, be it a whole body of energy divided perhaps into sections that circulates the world or one body within itself. No matter what we believe, there is something on a higher plain but as human beings, we are all created equal so no one can be better than the other. Like the fingers on a hand, we point and journey in different directions, all by choice. We accept that we are able to transcend within the universe. Many of us are walking half closed, we are standing naked without covering by choice, that's who we have been programmed to be. When we refuse the brainwashing of society, the do's and don'ts put before us and live for ourselves with a mind wide open, observing, thirsty for knowledge, wanting to learn, preparing ourselves to battle adversity walking toward the smooth and calm, peace. We are connected with the whole of life, with every element in the universe, with light and dark, with energetic forces. we stand in connection. No, we can never truy be alone...Much love...Melvina.....

Mihaela Pirjol 14 October 2015

This is so very true, Melvina. While reading your poem I remembered, Gregg Braden - The Divine Web.

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Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Sydney, Nova Scotia
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