'' You Have Total Control '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' You Have Total Control ''

Jealousy and hatred are one and the same,
The only difference is in the name,
Both are evil they can hurt and maim,
They can literally tear out your soul,

Being green with envy will result in hate,
Feelings you'll find so hard to abate,
It's murder and mayhem they can both create,
On the downward slope you'll then roll.

These feelings can lie dormant within your mind,
When they manifest they can make you blind,
When both these feelings become intertwined,
Nothing can ever console.

Physical or material it doesn't matter,
Jealousy and hate make you mad as a hatter,
Yours and others lives it will shatter,
You will pay a heavy toll.

One won't appear without the other,
They could be termed as sister and brother,
It's the dangers from both that you must smother,
Or you'll find yourself deep in a hole.

To some they can have a certain allure,
But prevention is always better than cure,
Ignore them your sanity you can procure,
Your own destiny is for you to extol.

If you try to be happy with what you've got,
You'll diminish the risk of feeling fraught,
Never be controlled by what you have not,
Then through life's trials you'll stroll.

What others have should never annoy,
Be it their person or their brand new toy,
Life is a gift, which is yours to enjoy,
In how we live it we all play a role.

If others are making you over zealous,
Unwind your mind from this tangled trellis,
There's no logical reason to hate or be jealous,
Over all feelings,

‘' You Have Total Control ‘'

Monday, March 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: hatred
Look after yourself inside and out and life will run smoothly.
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