Your Chapter Ended. Poem by Shelley L Baxter

Your Chapter Ended.

Rating: 4.5

There you lie in a pile,
like yesterdays laundry,
crumpled and discarded,
on the floor at my feet.
Still I remember all we had
A love that once was envied,
then one that was discouraged.
Now a love that will destroy,
making our future bleak.
Your face although precious,
your heart although true,
a love that gave hope...
one for a brighter day,
for me and for you....
Then all at once things changed,
you changed and the drugs took over.
You became a stranger,
and right then I knew it was over...
Instead we ran back in each others arms,
I vowed I would help you through!
You stopped for awhile-life was bliss.
Then I learned the drugs…
had not said bye to you.
So now I lie awake at night...
no longer wondering, hoping & waiting…
I ended your chapter in my life,
in hopes memories will start fading....
You were the one who at one time,
had allowed my heart to beat,
now you’re the one whose love destroys,
my love for you I cannot keep.
My hopes for you is that one day
You will chase the drugs away.
That all your pain will be over...
but still away from me you must stay.

Melvina Germain 20 May 2007

Shelley you paint a very sad picture here, but a very real picture indeed. When one is taken over by the addiction of drugs, it is very difficult to free themselves from this deadly addiction. You can only help so much then the rest lies mainly with them, they have to want to quit bad enough to take all the steps necessary to quit this addiction. I feel for all those that are afflicted with a drug addiction or in fact any addiction. Excellent poem Shelley, Thankyou very much--Melivna--

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Shelley L Baxter

Shelley L Baxter

Calgary, Canada.
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