Your Name Poem by Joseph S. Josephides

Your Name

Rating: 5.0

In my short coffee-pot
the small bubbles
emitting vapour
whisper your name.

Your name rises,
wishes no sunset
only an endless trip;
already back when departed.

Shanghai, Bombay, Dubai
Hawaii, you bend and return.

The distance is long
from the chest to the brain,
no other space is shorter
when you smile and we chat.

But let me come to myself;
let me rush to anticipate,
fill the small pot up to its lips,
before the last dropp is disappeared
before your name is kidnapped and lost
by the implacable law of evaporation alone.

© JosephJosephides

Li Away 15 September 2008

But let me come to myself; let me rush to anticipate and fill the small pot up to its lips, before the last dropp is disappeared and your name is kidnapped and lost simply beautiful, loved it. coming to rescue urself in this pot before it all disappears, before u r left self-entagled, self-rescued by a name! beautiful

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Stephanie Fiddy 15 September 2008

Very nice! ! ! ! ! ! :) I love your choice of words with your poems. So artically written!

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Elida Cumani 22 September 2008

wonderful, i love this writing it seems really that we have the same tastes

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Fay Slimm 22 September 2008

A beautiful love poem and centred around the name of the beloved. Well penned.

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Egi David Perdana 23 September 2008

name is a identity, this a good poem

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Duh Huh 29 July 2009

Wow, i want to grow up to write like you. I love your imagination and this poem is refreshingly original. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. wow again :)

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Kathryn Tyler King 29 September 2008

I love coffee and to stir your emotions with drinking a cup and reference to someone you miss is enticing.

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Mencita Monoï Angel Carmen 28 September 2008

everything one day one way or another.... but how nicely written...

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Theresa Moore 25 September 2008

A poem filled with potency…I especially like the analogy the aroma of coffee to the remembrance of someone who is valued friend.

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coca cola 24 September 2008

O; wow your like soo amazing! xD It's so.. Different, but in a good wayy <3 there was just so much Passion, I loved it xD

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Joseph S. Josephides

Joseph S. Josephides

Larnaca, CYPRUS
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