Zainab - An Angel Dies! … 1501-2018 Poem by saadat tahir

Zainab - An Angel Dies! … 1501-2018

Rating: 5.0

Two days under, three over a heap.
Partly above partly few inches deep.

With a smeared face and vacant eyed.
Set in a confused horror before I died.

I happily toddled to my daily class.
Unaware of the hell that was to pass.

He loomed near with a nod, "Hello"!
I had never seen that tall fellow.

"Hello Zainab! I am your father's friend.
Your parents are here, around the bend".

He'd promised to take me to my mom.
Later in the cell, he chuckled with Tom.

I had not seen something like that.
Wires, speakers, many screens flat.

A monitor flickered, a disturbing sight.
Rough voices croaked behind that light.

Before I knew it all hell broke loose.
Nothing in it for a child to choose.

I lay, spread eagled, tied with thongs
Too far from family and mamas songs

Slowly Tom feasted on my naked little form.
I cringed and shuddered with cold and harm.

They crawled over me like vicious dogs.
Grunting and panting like scouring hogs.

They cruelly mauled another crop.
My tiny feeble hands, tried to stop.

From a screen an old guy growls
Hurry up pigs I need her howls

The old voice barked; "hurry up strike".
My sobs and screams he seemed to like.

Wish they gagged me, so I wouldn't hear.
Spare me my shrieks that split my ear.

It lasted two days, a non-stop hell.
Ceaseless, I heard the tolling knell.

He cut my wrists while Tom watched.
Who grunted a nod; as it was botched!

I drifted through nightmarish dreams.
No one could hear my silent screams.

As lucifer danced and evil amassed
So many agonies had painfully passed

Revolting hands crept over my neck
Slowly choked at the old man's beck

Last thing I saw through bulging eyes
Old man shuddering in sordid sighs

Grisly scenes froze in my stony eyes.
For Divine audience as an angel dies.

Monday, January 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
POET'S NOTES ABOUT THE POEM news....zainab-s-last-moments-before-her-rape-and-murder
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saadat tahir

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