”Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds, -and done a hundred things
I know that I love you, my dear, yes!
Oh you name! …Lord thee bless!
works with the infirm, comes home late,
…done as a sequel to my poem…"spring on crutches"
From fated gashes gurgle streams
Snatch carmine rags from the seams
Together we are, everything and all.
Not destined to sulk, by the wayside fall.
Or sit all alone.
Invented themes neat and nifty.
Shone as a star from five to fifty.
Enigma rolled in a twisted quiz.
On Hepatitis Day..approaching!
There he is, a very sick man.
Taut his face and a darkish tan.
Unguarded word, befriended bird.
Weighted fell by thrice or third.
Dusty grind, millers churn.
Pummel ears, murmurs burn.
Daughters are in ways proverbial gypsies.
Content an playful in their itsy bitsys.
The skip, the hop,
El Niño and desertification…
Broken land has long since died,
clouds now for years have lied.
August 23- International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition.
Weighty bell's departing peel.
Rip ocean's heart keenest keel.