Ravi Kopra Poems

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God Tells Us To Love All

God tells us to love all - all humans, all animals, all nature
But he does not love a son, a holy son of christians
who still live in delusions to be pacified.
He lets him die on the cross, does not save him

Let us get out and enjoy the rains
let us relive our memories

to walk in the mud a little


O Captain, mere Captain!
hamara khofnaak safar ab poora ho chuka hai
jahaz har mausum main sahi salaamat raha hai
anaam jo hum chahtay thay hum ne jeet liya hai

Haiku - Morning Tea

And I Became A Living Soul

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
-Genesis 2: 7


I make up my mind -
I am surely this time
going to do this
and also going to do that.

I've enshrouded my happiness like in a sheet
I've never exposed the wounds of my heart

How will they know the pains of my heart?

A little frightened
is my heart

Still it hopes

So Many Fools In The World, A Hindi/Urdu Poem On Fools

- for R.M.

Har koi akalmand nahin ho sakta
is liyey dunia main bahut moorakh hotay hain

Love Sonnet Xi Of Pablo Neruda In English Translation

I am hungry for your mouth, your voice, your skin
I wander in streets without food, quiet
Bread does not sustain me, dawn disquiets me
All day I search for the liquid sounds of your feet

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