Ravi Kopra Poems

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A Homage To D.H. Lawrence

Today I read Lawrence's poem
On breasts like Gloire de Dijon.
I saw the golden shadows
Of swung breasts swaying

Love Came

Love came
flowed into my heart
emptied me of my self
filled me with glee

But No Body Is Happy, Always Wanting

Never ending Indian summer
burning heat, dust storms
people camatose on road sides
birds dropping from the sky

Venice Beach

Why has the whole of love come to me suddenly.
I see you with me on the Venice beach
walking hand in hand in the evening
watching the sun go beyond the horizon.

I make up my mind -
I am surely this time
going to do this
and also going to do that.

And I Became A Living Soul

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
-Genesis 2: 7


I've enshrouded my happiness like in a sheet
I've never exposed the wounds of my heart

How will they know the pains of my heart?

When I hear the soft footsteps, I feel it is you
When I see a shadow moving like a wave, I feel it is you

When gently touching a tree branch in the garden

Loneliness Ain't Solitude

Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is richness of self.
-May Sarton

Haiku - Cold

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