When you finally realize
your life is a death sentence
in every breath
your eyes and mind
A poem comes abruptly – A poem
Sneaks into the room and hides behind the chair
Or the couch, or the curtain
And then pounces through the air
My friends and my family scattered across
the land of America; land of the Lost
there's a shortage of love - a shortage of water
a shortage of food - the temperatures hotter
Though we both lay here together
we're a hundred worlds apart
different memories; different demons
different Spirits; different Hearts
With no inspiration or passion in heart
O, where is a person ever to start
With hardly a friend in this mysterious land
Is there hope for growth
Song bird, intrigue me
flow forth your wondrous tune
your music pours from you
When Mind is baked,
time Thinkles
When it rains,
the puddles Plinkle
When I was young and playful
the future seemed so bright
there were songs that we sung
and days were always nice
Buddha Universe of Good
Embodiment of Peace, purely understood
All things come, and instantly have passed away
Right Now; Tomorrow; Yesterday
Pink is just a shade of Blue
with Purple in between
And Yellow is a shade of Pink,
and, the color that is Green,