When you are in the midst of darkness
Where loneliness engulfs your soul
Twinges of hopelessness felt
Chirping sound of crickets heard
On that dark night when I was not able to sleep
When I wanted to escape from this earth
to a different galaxy.. I flew high and landed in this galaxy of poetry
Where I am happy and more satisfied than ever before
I am confused really confused
My mind says to fight for truth
And Heart says to live in harmony
The Mind sets boundaries and limitations
When you are immersed in books
And soaked with words
And nothing else seems
more interesting
Why this veil, show your face
Don't hide behind the window pane
Come face to face then you will win
Or people will say you are insane
Saplings and trees so wild and mysterious
You took me to the magical woods
Twisted roots and mossy rocks
Enchanted my imagination
Soul in the garden of love
It's like paradise on earth
Twinkling stars wrapped in black carpet
Fresh energetic buds ready to burst
You loved me when I was in your womb
You loved all the kicks inside your womb
You loved the pain to bring me out to this world
You cried when you first heard my cry
Situations are altered
by a life of hardships
And you don't lean on your yesterday
Your imaginations change