Rini Shibu Poems

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Love is sweet
Like honey and the bees
It hums song into ears
And pour more sweetness into life.


Your  love showers on me like the cascade of flowers
We sail in the ocean of love as your  eyes gaze into mine
Your breath on my neck is like gentle breeze wakes my soul
Your chilling kiss on my cheeks is like  dew drops on the rose petals

My Blue Butterfly

My blue butterfly has lost its way
It fluttered and flew when trees swayed
Now no more are found around my garden
My blue butterfly's heart has hardened

Vessel Of God

You choose me from the pile of clay
to turn into a perfect piece
You kneaded me with your fingers
Made into soft piece of lump


The world is full of beauty and charm
To make our mind peaceful and calm
Feel the beauty around you
Seek the treasure that surrounds you

Beautifully Romantic

Why you are searching me
among the lillies
You won't find me in the valleys
Don't you feel me honey

Healing Of Soul

Love heals the soul
The person as a whole
Scrape away the crust
formed due to lust


Conceiving a dream and desire of a woman
But  if it's a result  of a rape or incest
A trauma which she carries  life long
When her purity is robbed off.

The Tunnel

Walking through the perilous tunnel
Alone in the dark on the long track
Way is narrow, little space to walk
A small slip could be a disaster

Planet Of Snow

I have a story to tell
The story of a girl
A girl like snow
Who melts in your love

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