Salvie Rosales

Salvie Rosales Poems

My friends can say in just few words
Which I cannot say in many words.
That I am somebody, I am worthwhile
I am important and I have sweet smile.

My first love understood me well,
He’d ask me question-the questions,
He’d never knowing how I felt,

After you’re gone,
There shall be starlight still
Shimmering silver o’er our trysting hill;
There shall be music yet,

Don’t grieve for her, for now she is free
She followed the path God has laid her see.
She took His hand when she heard Him call
She turned her back and left us all.

You wonder why my feelings
For you, my love, are sung,
And never plainly phrased by
The unaffecting tongue.

Curious the changes wrought by Time and Fate
These voiceless echoes only ghost can hear

“You are my One Beloved, ”
He whispered yesterday.
How sweet a song it seems to me,
And sweetest sung his way.

While the enamored stars would dare
Seaward to leap,
Seeking a truer heaven in
The loved deep,

If only the Code within these lands
Allowed all impulse to govern the heart,
We should not feel this fever if the hands
To leap the gap that keeps us so, apart;

I waited, Love. All Nature waited, too;
The dust of air for flower-scent and song,
The sky for moonlight and the earth for dew-

Be fair, beloved. Is this all you offer
For my long wait; one moment’s ecstasy,
Brief as the beauty shooting stars would proffer?
Ah, if you knew what fears had fretted me!

I must remind you evening fast is fleeting
And like the shadows you shall soon depart.
Translate then into words your pulse beating,
I shall hold silence while you speak your part.

My moment of passion so easily shared
Great happiness that can never be compared.
So many have tried such feelings to spare

Were I to meet you face to face again
And hear your voice as in remembered days,
With mellow laughter clipped in now and then,
And note dear traces of your wonted ways,

My heart new only hate for you at first,
Seeking your laughter priced at my pain,
The sating of your spirit at my thirst,
Sun of your heavens, at my heaven’s rain.

Should we not thank all the scientists and engineers?
For technology created as they reach out their careers.
Known before computers, a web was a spider’s home
Gets reunited in this World Wide Web

I thought of love as understanding;
that lovers’ amend to stay standing.
Is it castle in the sky filled with whimsy;
and abused because of one's fantasy?

High school days so sweet to remember
It went apace don’t we all wonder?
Full of memories the good and the bad
But never regrets all the times we had.

(Dedicated to Manny Pacquiao,
my first poem I wrote in Tagalog,
Filipino language)

I wandered throughout the clouds;
Chased sparkly stars under shrouds.
I had even walked out of boundaries;
Slipped thru depth in thick flurries.

The Best Poem Of Salvie Rosales

Who Am I

My friends can say in just few words
Which I cannot say in many words.
That I am somebody, I am worthwhile
I am important and I have sweet smile.

Middlingly I expect to love and be loved
Some will recognize me and not be shoved.
Others shall appreciate and cherish me
Hoped and prayed for my happiness be.

I do not seek nor desire compassion or love
I am worthy of it, and I expect one of.
As I read a quote from a dear friend,
Whispering low with joy he’d just send:

“Butterflies don’t know color of their wings
But human knows how beautiful it is.
Likewise you don’t know how good you are
But others can see you are special”.

Copyright© Salvie Rosales-Truitt 2008

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