M. Asim Nehal Sonnet Poems

Sonnet 28 - By William Shakespeare Hindi Translation

Sonnet 28: How Can I Then Return In Happy Plight -
Poem by William Shakespeare

कैसे मै लौट आऊं प्रसन्नचित में उस दुर्दशा से

Sonnet - Guard

As I step out I see worship places as a lighthouse,
At every nook and corner and on the turning,
Worshippers standing patiently to step and browse,
What drives them to these doorsteps running?

Sonnet ~ Thy Death Will Show The World How You Lived

Thy death will show the world how you lived,
Thy life story will reveal thy successes and failures;
The efforts you made will speak what you achieved,
And all will go down in history as your deliverers.

तुम मेरी सोच में ऐसे हो जैसे जीवन के लिए भोजन
या किसी अच्छे मौसम में बरसा पानी ज़मीन पर
और तुमसे शांतिमय जीवन के जैसे मै संघर्ष करू
जैसे किसी कंजूस को उसका खोया हुआ धन मिल जाये

Gravitational Force - Sonnet

Gravitational force is pulling everything towards it
Be it humans, animals, birds or nonliving things,
Everything applies force and energy to remain upright;
And till the time they are alive, they give tough fight

A Sonnet Xiv - The Trapeze Artist

Life is a circus of tryst
and I am a trapeze artist
I perform exercises to remain
I do stunts to entertain

Sonnet - Apni Premika Se Wasiyat

Original Poem Sonnet Lxxii
By William Shakespeare

हे प्रिये, ये दुनिया तुमसे क्या सुनना चाहेगी अब

Original Poem: Sonnet 60
By: William Shakespeare
Translation By: M. Asim Nehal
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Sonnet Xiv

With open heart, listen to the plea of nature;
her voice echoing through the wind and sea,
for life on earth is but a fleeting feature
and must be cherished with all ecstasy,

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