Sonny Rainshine Poems

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Lost (And Found) In Space

Something was missing,
like the slender space left
when a book is removed from its shelf.

On The Widows' Walk

On the widows’ walk the intoxicating perfume
of early wisteria was blended by the blustery March wind
into her own sachet of jasmine and lavender.

Birds Of America

So much has been said
about the lark, about the thrilling
trilling of the nightingale,
about wrens,

Take A Soap Bubble

Take a soap bubble:
spherical but graceful as clouds,
ethereal and transparent, but solid
enough to reflect all around.

Conch Shell

Conch shells in pyramids are stacked impeccably
in the voluptuous heat, enormous severed ears.
Flushed and pinkish as a newly bathed infant’s face.
The outer lobe seems supple and frail.

Bullying The Bully

Though it may seem so,
yielding is not a passive thing;
to withdraw from strife
is a massive thing, rife

It Takes A Lifetime

It is only after all the pages
have been turned,
that we understand the story;
only after the lessons

That One Night When You Drank Too Much

That one night you drank too much,
but you did not drink enough.

You consumed the rare air

To A Friend Feeling Low

Your largess is large as the Indian Ocean,
but your famous generosity stops with yourself.

You peer into your filmy-dark waters,

The Space Where The Boy Was

One war ends; another begins;
both armies are sure they’re right;
that’s why they fight.

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