Stefano Dal Bianco

Stefano Dal Bianco Poems

to the reader

Under the mountain, on the edge of the meadow,
close to the mountain stream of Planaval,

I am the fruit that your staying has generated.

I rebel not and stay close to you
because our hunger
like a death drags us on high
above our three-room apartment
beyond the roller shutters
which, like males do, in your defence,
I lower for the night.

But sometimes I abandon you and wait for dawn
when a skylark actually does sing
in the garden, and makes peace,
and we are no longer two poles attracting one another
but only this peace
and this sky finally clear
lost beyond summer windows.

I saw the brightest moon ever
rise from behind the mountain
and did nothing.
I didn't speak nor think

When I lie down on the carpet in the hall and look up, sometimes there is a fly
sometimes a gnat that in flying traces strangely geometric trajectories, suddenly and
continuously turning at a usually acute angle,

I went out to walk towards this sea, but I must deny this
because I had gone out and in reality almost immediately
I met a plane tree and am stuck with writing about it,

I have two twenty-year old sheets
and a flowered pillow-case
that I keep at home for close friends,

If you are watching a mother sleeping in an armchair
on any winter afternoon siesta
with the television temporarily off

One evening, I was late, with a towel, inadvertently, I knocked over a precious bottle
of perfume, which fell. The pieces were picked up, almost all of them right away,
others in the course of time,

The peach-tree that I see blossoming among the ruins of the city of Milan is not life
triumphing over cement, but only cement air, a life of cement inside the tree, my life.
Our life eluded on the roof-tops.


The road is paved,
black like the reflection of the earth around it
like the foliage of the trees

Stefano Dal Bianco Biography

Stefano Dal Bianco was born on March 3, 1961 in Padua, where he lived until he moved to Milan in 1992. In addition to his work as a poet, Dal Bianco has a strong inclination for stylistic and formal literary criticism, and has written on 20th century authors (he is one of the foremost experts on the rhythm of Italian verse) as well as on contemporary poetry.)

The Best Poem Of Stefano Dal Bianco

A Gift Of Flowers

to the reader

Under the mountain, on the edge of the meadow,
close to the mountain stream of Planaval,
I don't say it coyly,
I picked some flowers:
three of each kind.

For a person I picked them, who for many years has been dead and yet perhaps still
lives here and does not keep us company and maybe doesn't care about the flowers,
nor about the place that has changed.

Maybe I picked them out of uncertainty,
three by three,
precisely repeating a shiver.

Uncertainty of doing it for myself,

Uncertainty of wanting that you,
who do not know this place
who have never been there
and who now read my diary,
seeing the flowers will be moved
and come near me and understand
what it is that still lives on the edge of the meadow
and with the mountain breathes
and blends its voice with the water,
and towers above us.

Translation: 2004, Gabriele Poole

Stefano Dal Bianco Comments

Fabrizio Frosini 12 September 2017

Stefano Dal Bianco ha abitato a Padova, Milano, Torino e ora vive in provincia di Siena, dove è ricercatore all’università. Il suo ultimo libro di poesia è Ritorno a Planaval, (Mondadori 2001) . Ha pubblicato studi sulla metrica di Petrarca, Ariosto e Zanzotto. Di Zanzotto ha anche curato il Meridiano Mondadori nel 1999.

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Fabrizio Frosini 12 September 2017

A poem by S. Del Bianco: ____________________ Alla mia stufa, alla fatica Per poterla riattizzare presto la mattina dopo e trovare anche la stanza meno fredda ogni sera faccio in modo che si crei un bel letto di braci per il ciocco che vi depongo prima di chiudere la presa d’aria. Questa sera le braci sono molte, anzi moltissime: una vera montagna incandescente con tutte le valli, a ombrìo e a solatìo e con torrenti e fiumi e laghi rossi e neri sbuffi e feste di paese… Io mi sono fermato incantato davanti al frutto di tanta mia accortezza e anzi ho creduto di vedere anzi ho veduto ho veduto ho veduto una cosa che poteva assomigliare ad un rubino un rubino vermiglio di un sangue che poteva soltanto essere il mio, di tutte le volte che carico la stufa e trasporto la legna nei giorni di sole nelle notti di neve e ogni parola acquista un peso che la fa quasi onnipresente una letizia di accorgersi di sé e una veduta sul mondo reale che dura poco ma la lascia raggiante e pronta e sofferente per una nuova nuovissima fatica.

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