Sven Rhoads Poems

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Kindred Spirits

Our eyes met when we looked beyond the metal cage
A glance of uncertainty and of unknowing fear
Sitting side by side a bond was forged on life's stage
Injected into my heart you were one I held so dear

Suicide Of Your Lips

Everyday has been the same since I became alone
Sunrise to sunset I can feel myself slowly turning to stone
So let this dying man be granted one more wish
If I'm to slip away let me do it with the taste of your lips

Nothing Compares

I've felt the beating return
The single spark to let it all burn
You stand beside me, devotion in your eyes
And deep inside me I could never deny

Cabin In The North

Eyes open before the dark stream
How it all feels like a familiar dream
The journey is coming to a close
A brand new place I swear I know

Footsteps Into Solace

Behind the blue that looks out into the universe
Seeking the sanctuary of the soul
No more trying to make the best out of the worst
Only needing to take back control

A View Into Forever

This fight that I must come to win
Against the hands of gravity
The waves are growing taller
As the seas begin to rise

Through The Window Of Time

In this room where I stare at these walls
Portraits of what I need to achieve before me
Reminders of all I am and how far I've come
The clock peels the hours until freedom calls

Storm In Your Heart

Feel it rising inside
That emotion you know wont be denied
To tear down the walls from the box you've been in
Until the light of day can reach your skin

Clad In The Iron Embrace

I saw the tears stained on a pale white cheek
Couldn't speak of a future that became so bleak
Bent and twisted became the world I know
Simple as blood became it was all I could sow

Crossing The Dark Stream

As I lie on the ground with blood upon my hands
My breath is growing shorter but not surrendering to any man
My love, don't fill your eyes with tears tonight
For nothing will keep us apart, we will fight

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