sweet girl Poems

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Haiku About Yourself

Love will never leave,
It stays with us through it all.
Even if we don't.

It Started With A Kiss

The memory replays in my head,
I felt your lips touch mine.
It was great, but secretive,
I guess thats what made it so devine.

My Questions To You

I have these questions I've been meaning to say:
Would you hold me if I was hurt?
You said yes......

From The Other Guy

We were just talking,
And so you bring it up.
I really wanted to talk,
But you told me to shut up.


Say it ain't so! Oh Dang! Oh No!
Nelli's got another one, Lacey Yo!
Loran gets no love, turning emo now,
Even got ALITTLE bigger. WOW!

A Question On Relationships

Who do you go to if all your choices for support push you away?
He causes it, and also she.
Your parents are gone.
The teachers don't understand.

It Was My Fault All Along

Everytime when im with you,
It seems like the whole world doesn’t matter.
I want to know the truth,
But I can’t cause somethings holding me back.

Really Moving

You may think of it as myself really going away,
Farther, and farther away from our happiness.
But do not feel sad, do not feel alone,
I will always be right here, by your side;

As I Move Away

The way you've made me feel tonight,
Is undescribable as you hold me tight.
As we walk into the stary sky,
It's together here where we lie.

You Have No Idea

You have no idea what its like being me,
You want everyone to know that your always there.
But it doesn't work,
It only makes people turn their backs to you.

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