Big bang!
In void's lab did happen
Such an awful explosion;
So is it fixed in human.
Rustling over the dense green
And driving off a day's sheen,
Comes here the dark rain
That might flush all the plain.
They are many and varied,
Some are cute and tarried.
Some are very much fond
And often do they haunt
Still and radiant backwater visage
Had adornments of morning majesty;
Fading off to the green inland.
Many a freshwater fish still in trance
Why blame the youth,
Who is familiar not with
The ways of life you had in the past,
Who is not fed with
Mosquitoes, Bugs, Beatles and Gnats,
Ants, Spiders, Rats, Snakes and cockroaches
All have got immune to the most toxins ever.
Epidemics have grown into Pandemics,
Nature remains bathed
In tolerance's glory,
Man has learnt
Perseverance and forgiveness.
Well, You and your thoughts
Make my inner- waves flow off
Unto some abyss of silence absolute
And chillness horrendous.
She is pregnant,
Yes, she has always been
Conceiving and delivering;
The worth of Man and Nature,