Bernard F. Asuncion Tears Poems

Crying In Joyful Tears

The cloudy sky is dark
And the rain is falling;
People in the streets for
Shelter, they go running.

After All These Tears

The night begins to fade away,
disappearing into the dark;
The dusk vanishes into gray,
as the twilight starts to depart.

Don't Let The Tears Fall

D-on't let the tears fall,
A-llow your eyes to glow;
N-ovember twenty-third
I-s far away from sorrow.

Emotional Tears

E-motional tears remove
S-tress, toxin, and strain;
T-he fall of saline fluid
H-as just eased the pain.

Drain The Pool Of Tears

P-ool of tears is drained,
A-s the beacon begins to rise;
M-aking you gladly smile, for he dries both your eyes.

No Itch, Irk, Tears And Thorn

C-herish this one moment,
R-emembering your birthday;
I-n memory it isn't lost,
S-ensing it's time to pray.

Joy Expressed In Tears

J-oy expressed in tears
E-xplains the amount of bliss;
S-hown way toward glory
S-ees no reason to go

After The Tears

J-oy after the tears
A-ims to warm your heart;
N-ight cold chill fades away,
E-ach mist does depart.

Just Let Your Tears Run Dry

J-ust let your tears run dry,
A-llowing your eyes to glow;
N-ever be lonely and blue,
E-rase the pain and sorrow.

Tears Of The Sun

R-aindrops fall again,
A-s the sky is dark and gray,
B-eacon cannot smile.

Clear All Tears


The Stone And The Tears

I threw a stone into the sea,
It sank beneath, I couldn't see;
For the water was dark and deep
Like the night when sad people weep.

Tears Disappear

Sweet smiles instead of cries
Should be there in your eyes.

Timid Tears

Boys do not cry,
When they are shy.

Wiping The Tears

Opening your closed eyes
Makes you see the sunrise.

Cold Tears

The result of the storm
Is neither nice nor warm.

Blue Tears

Why does a person cry
When someone says goodbye?

Tears Of A Clown

The hidden tears of a clown
Cheer you up when you are down,
Never letting your heart drown.

Tears That Drown The Heart

Tears that drown the heart are like a blue sea,
With waves of pain crashing onto the soul;
Flowing with an anguish beyond control,
With lonely eyes underneath the debris.

Drowning In Tears

The rain soaks the heart
with the water of coldness,
as love becomes ice.

Without Tears Of Moan

Happy birthday, Sister Hazel,
The beacon appears in the sky;
Let this moment be fine and well,
Without tears of moan from your cry.

Pool Of Tears

R-iver or pool of tears
I-s drowning the pain;
S-econd of May Tuesday
S-tarts to smile

Cry The Tears To Survive

C-ry the tears to survive,
H-ide not the pain in your heart;
A-llow the ache to express its hope for a new start.

Blazing Tears

R-ight after the blazing tears
O-f the eyes that cry a sea;
S-tress of the mind will fade.
E-arly twentieth of January.

River Of Tears

R-iver of tears that runs
H-as drowned many a heart;
O-n the thirtieth of May,
D-on't let your dream fall

No More Tears To Cry

N-o more tears to cry,
E-ven death to mourn;
L-ife eternal is rewarded,
Z-one of hell is torn.

No More River Of Tears

R-iver of tears runs no longer
E-arthly things are left behind;
A-n eternal bliss in heaven, the truth- seeker can find.

No More Tears In Heaven

M-ay twentieth morn breaks,
A-fter the night is gone;
R-ising sun is shining
I-n the sky for every

Tears And Ache

G-reat agony makes man cry,
R-egardless of his stature;
A-nyone is pain-prone,
C-omplaining how to

Dry The Tears From Ache

E-arly light that shines
M-akes you rise from sleep;
M-orning has just made
A-nother promise to keep.

Let The Tears Disappear

V-ery sad drop of tears,
E-yes that see rainy day;
L-et the crying cease,
M-ake the grief fade

Never Cry A Pool Of Tears

C-ry not a pool of tears,
H-ear the words I say;
E-ars of you must listen, to take you out of the gray.

No Tears Fall From Eyes

J-ust let sunny Saturday
O-pen the morn with light;
N-ew dawn March eighteenth
A-ims to set your birth aright.

Dry The Tears In Your Eyes

D-ry the tears in your eyes,
A-s the dawn starts to break;
N-ew morn makes a promise,
I-t will take away the ache.

Cry Not A River Of Tears

C-ry not a river of tears,
H-owever painful or gray;
O-pen your eyes to trials,
N-ever ever walk

Don't Cry A River Of Tears

D-on't cry a river of tears,
O-n twenty-second December;
N-ever think about heartache,
A-s you rise up from slumber.

Smile The Tears Away

S-mile the tears away,
H-aving to endure the pain;
E-nd the ache and sorrow,
R-elease the hurt from chain.

Dry The Tears Off Your Eyes

D-ry the tears off your eyes,
A-llow them not to fall;
N-ight won't last forever for trumpet soon will call.

Dry The Tears Of The One

M-arch thirtieth this year
A-ims to make you smile;
R-eflect on God's blessings,
R.-eminisce for a little while.

Dry Away Your Tears

R-ain has stopped falling
O-n a chilling, cold dark night;
S-tars start to twinkle
A-t the wide space of moonlight.

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