Ted Sheridan Poems

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The Case Of The Beamed Up Man In Apt 11b

The cops were called because a woman in Apt 12A
said she heard a shot while she was ironing her husband's wife beater t shirts
She had just cut the volume of the old phone radio down because
the news was on and Rush Limbaugh had taken the day off again and

Brown Shoes

She ask me so I just went on and told her___

Poor demented souls
devoid of any memory

Women Who Love Peanut Butter

he makes a great peanut butter sandwich
laying it on thick with the crunchy brand
his slick tongue becomes stuck to the roof of his lie
as he promises to you

Dad's Little Birthday Girl Is All Grown Up.

My daughter will be 21 years of age next week.
She is everything a man could ask for in a daughter;
smart, attractive, and just a trifle bit like her father.
Someone asked me if I was happy with her choices

Bad Parenting Is Habit Forming

They are the blind who see, they are the deaf who hear and the mute who speak
They are the disadvantaged, the disabled and the challenged
They feel everything but remain unsure of what it is they have touched
They seek God but find evil in practically everything he created

An End To War

The trumpet lilies are silent with sadness
As the many weeping widows
With their folded flags
Leave red roses

Afraid To Fear

Child of mine
Please never be afraid to fear
Fear the next book if you will
The next page or the last word


Her life had always been one in which a door would close
And another door or two would open...
Today she awoke and sighed with defeated weakness....
Pale and mortally exhausted by her diseased beliefs

I Want To Climb Those Long Legs

If you never dive beneath the waters surface
You will never know what it was
That pulled you under
Take that deep breath and fill your lungs

My Wife Left Me On Mother's Day, Guess I'M All Grown Up

I know all too well that you try to push me away;
you always have and you always will. It is some kind
of insecurity issue you have, to see if I will leave
or let you go….and I know that you truly do, dislike yourself;

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