The Poet Darkling Poems

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This Ring

Here…take this ring from my finger,
It holds no meaning for me anymore.
The diamond's chipped and it's tarnished,
And the sight of it makes my heart sore.

I'M Not Your Huckleberry

I'm not your huckleberry, baby
I'm not your angel of death
I'm not here to heal your heart
Nor am I here to steal your breath

Ode To Thee

You look through me with those judgmental eyes
Those eyes that hide surprise until you realize
I don't care if you stare 'cuz I'll just stare right back
I'll counter your attack as you lunge for my back

Here Again

Here again are these feelings that keep welling up inside
Taking me for a ride, making me swallow my pride
Til I've got no pride left, nor any words to say
No way to make you stay, or get me to go away

What Is It You Want To Know?

So, what is it you want to know? Do you really want to hear about my sleepless nights and how I sidestep my days as if they were a speeding bullet? Are you curious about the nightmares I try to pass off for daydreams while I chain-smoke on the porch and count the cars that drive past, oblivious to my tortured existence? Shall I ramble on about the scars that mark my flesh, or the ones that blight my soul? Will you listen intently or simply feign interest while I describe the horror story that lies behind each one?

How about I introduce you to my only companions, the ambiguous voices that taunt my every waking hour, remnants of broken promises and dead ambitions? It's not a pretty picture I paint, are you sure you want to see it? Yes, of course you do. We all slow down and crane our necks to see the accident on the side of the highway, why should you be any different? We wince and gasp but we can't look away, that's human nature.


Herein lies the bitter story of me,
A tale of hurt and woe
Of a girl born already heartbroken
And drunk on a cheap Bordeaux

Locked Up

Locked up by my own hand in armored ties
Under the scrutiny of unkind eyes
All my old demons begin to arise
And form a loud scream from innocent sighs


Desperation, condemnation
A death defying leap of faith
Telephone call, balls to the wall
Are you an angel or a wraith?

Rant And Rave

You rant and rave, rock and roll,
You'd sell your soul for the price of a kiss.
Picked up the pipe, put it down,
Would shoot yourself but you're afraid you'd miss.


Another lie to join the rest
Broken promises to haunt me
Cruelly spoken words, said in jest
Deception used just to taunt me

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