Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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Girls Will Be Girls

Smiling prettily in front of the mirror
Placing a crown of woven flowers
Among carefully combed curls
Attaining a posture that empowers

Lost Pride

The struggle to stay afloat is challenged each day
People borrow money to pay bills with home equity
Filling the empty void with loans that temporarily delay
A dismal probability looms…there is no immunity

An Unsettling Dream

Unchartered dreams have an uncertain destination
No telling where you are going or what the vision means
Looking out the passenger’s window… through the mist
Warily peering with strange clarity at a perplexing scene

Ridiculous Bumper Sticker?

Saw a bumper sticker the other day
'The more people I meet…
the more I like my dog.'
As I reflect…the words repeat

Folded Wings

The sun is glowing …
A gentle breeze stirs
In an instant
Delicate splendor

Motivated Monotony

Her branches limply swayed in the wind
The atmosphere around her swirled
Her thoughts took her to distant places
Roots anchored her to an immobile world

Reconnect Your Roots

In the hours of silence there is a speechless secret
Feast on the splendor and beauty that nature provides
Discover how to relate and appreciate the greater scheme
Precious gifts are recognized by the grateful and wise


Placing blame on the germ
That sent my world into flames
Will not cure the hurt or justify
My self-inflicted pain

What Have You Missed?

Sounds unheard
Sights unseen
Unconsciously absurd
Overlooking the green

Winter’s Last Hurrah

I find myself in the midst of craziness
Why? You know you should not ask…
But since you have I will cheerfully tell
I look forward to seeing winter’s mask

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