Tondalaya Jefferson

Tondalaya Jefferson Poems

I wish that we could get better school systems so that kids could understand the words that are coming out of my mouth
And I wish we could all get along and let crime seize to exist and
I wish that we could take a chance or just step out on faith and
I wish that we would stop wasting our time putting others down and come up and

The beauty of silence is the angelic presence of your daughters first words
It's the first step your son takes into a world with endless possibilities
The beauty of silence is that one prayer that's answered in ways you never dreamed of.
It's the tears in your eyes at you child's graduation.

We go to church to praise the lord but a few short hours ago we praising Beyonce for being a single lady
And we kneel at the throne when not long ago we were cursing his very name because something in this earthly world went wrong and it pissed you off.
We sung his praises from the choir stand when just last week you were singing in the studio about how a man slapped you kicked you raped you then left you.
But I digress you see you were first in line to read the scriptures the words of the lord when just last night you were reading the sex chronicles and imagining things I dare not speak.

What kind of love...
Keeps you scared and nervous when you hear the door crack and the sound of his boots.
What kind of love...
Got you lying to ya kids about daddy's game of love taps.

Profecting the lives we never had a chance to
seeing the light that short circuited humanity
Being the change that gave hope to the needy.
Stop... Think about it.

Hold me close
Don't take your eyes off me
I know
I'll go slow

Who said it had 2 rhyme Create a pattern or even keep time
It only takes a line only a verse speak out your mind and know your worth. Words in a song go along with a beat And so many are ready and willing to comment.
Is this real is she true. Just let me be me and u do u.

I love you but I don't like you
Deep words don't you think
Well I think not
it's just how I feel at the end of this thought

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Looking back on the years and wishing I'd smiled.
You see I'm lost I'm confused I can't find myself
You were supposed to be the rock I could lean on for help

If time stood still could you hold on to your sanity.
Wipe your eyes and pick yourself up off the vanity.
Could you follow the dreams of a small small child or charter a plane 2 a far away isle.
Would pain seize to exist or make your run to the door marked with a red exit.

Who are you?
Who am I?
Who are the people we're trying desperately to deny?
Are you a king?

The Best Poem Of Tondalaya Jefferson

I Wish

I wish that we could get better school systems so that kids could understand the words that are coming out of my mouth
And I wish we could all get along and let crime seize to exist and
I wish that we could take a chance or just step out on faith and
I wish that we would stop wasting our time putting others down and come up and
I wish we had other things to talk about besides the less fortunate
But since we are talking about it
I wish we would stop laughing and pointing the finger then get mad when we end up in that very situation and
I wish that people would stop believing in materialistic things and start believing in the Man that made them all possible and
I wish we would give people their flowers while their living cause they can't enjoy them while their dead and
I wish we'd wish upon a star and see how far it takes you and
I wish I had more time to talk to you but
don't worry don't fret theirs a higher powers who's talking through me

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