Valsa George Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Those Eyes- A Valentine Dedication

I saw....
Two black crystal balls
Rimmed with white
Reflecting an indefinable emotion

Easter Blossoms

Far away in ancient Jerusalem
Stood a garden, long, long ago
Home to giant oaks and figs
And plants and shrubs of every kind.

On Christmas Eve

December is here with Christmas beckoning at the door
He saw every house bright with many a lamp
And the whole streets illumined with colorful lights and stars
But his tiny hut looked dismal n’ dark like a prison camp

What Shall I Serve You?

For long, my house has been lying deserted
My gate has not been opened wide to let in anyone
No guest has so far come to visit me
Tired of distant wanderings

I Am With You

I know some deep pain saddens you
It has been nesting in your heart for long
Breeding in the silence of your soul
It leaves furrows on your brow


Applied rouge on the cheeks
Tied a glittering necklace round the neck
Putting heavy makeup,
Over the stubble on her shaven chin,

Who Am I?

‘What a piece of work is a man! '
……… ………
And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? '

An Old Woman

She leaned on her stick like the Tower of Pisa
Her bones, porous and brittle, might break any day
She is all alone, her husband dead and gone
Her only son, years before, shot down by a gun

After Many Cold Winters

After many cold winters, they met again,
Under the poplar tree on a starry moonlit night
Though they had planned it over many a time
It came to fruition after such long lapse of years

Lulling Symphony

Guarded by towering hills on the East
Flanked by the Arabian Sea on the West
With its easterly shore of stretching sandy swell
That lulls the restless waves to sleep

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