Transgender Poem by Valsa George


Rating: 4.8

Applied rouge on the cheeks
Tied a glittering necklace round the neck
Putting heavy makeup,
Over the stubble on her shaven chin,
She looked into the mirror
Through its cracks, saw a million bits of her/him
Those images sneering at each other
She felt trapped in a wrong body,
With its contours n' longings mismatched

"Where do I belong"?
"Where do I fit"?

These questions plague her incessant
A rough stone with sharp edges
Too hard to be chipped down
Cast aside by the mason
That can never go into the making of a Cathedral

She walks around in haze
Life seems a twisted maze
Each time she tries to claw her way
She sees only walls that hems her in
Before her, lingers the stygian mist
Phantoms of darkness surround her

The winds of change swiftly blow
Seasons come and go

But she is tied down in her chains
An anomaly of creation
A curse and a taboo
Swallowing stigma and abuse
Each day waking up with a start
Knowing that she is neither a woman nor a man
But a non binary... an accursed TRANSGENDER
Inviting snide looks
And sniggers from onlookers

People call her a eunuch
One divided between the selves
A hapless denizen of an inhospitable world
Disowned even by parents

Though flawed and far from perfect
She is human, one of a kind
And needs to be seen through the eyes of God!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,gender,identity
It is sad that transgenders are discriminated everywhere. They deserve to be treated as equals. However it is heartening to note the positive changes coming over in attitudes of the people and the authorities....!
Mihaela Pirjol 13 November 2018

A poem on a controversial theme, which I hope will enlighten the world to show tolerance; a poem exposing the every day drama of transgenders. Any discrimination is against our humanity! We need poets to give voice to the ones which have lost theirs! May your words be heard!

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Valsa George 14 November 2018

Thank you Mihaela for looking into the issue with empathy. Also thanks for your great comment!

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Rajnish Manga 01 December 2018

Valsa ji, you have taken up the subject with utmost seriousness and sensitivity which it truly deserved, By and large, transgenders are looked upon with disdain or contempt in our society. Nobody knows about where they live and how they live. They are desperately trying to get a place of dignity and recognition. Very little has changed on ground, so far. They deserve social acceptance, education, health care and all other rights which an ordinary citizen enjoys.

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Valsa George 01 December 2018

You have given a serious thought to my poem and have analyzed it in all detail! Unfortunately they are marginalized and kept at the fringe of the society forgetting that they have also equal right for a respectable living. Thank you so much for your empathetic and analytical comment!

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Glen Kappy 14 November 2018

Valsa, your comment on my homeless man poem reminded me I haven’t visited your poems in a while. (In general, though, I haven’t been active in PH for a few months.) Anyway, on this poem, I appreciate your sympathetic picture. And you so well identify the most important thing—the humanity of this person—of all us—that we all share. -Glen

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Bri Edwards 28 August 2024

Maybe 'she' is not 'flawed'? Maybe 'God' meant for all humans to be 'transgender', so-called', but 'Satan' (ha ha) had other ideas and made most 'men' look like 'men' and 'women' look like 'women'. Hm? ! bri : )

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Bri Edwards 28 August 2024

'Swallowing stigma and abuse Each day waking up with a start' Well, I certainly hope that most/all transgender persons DON'T have such feelings! ! ; ( bri

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Bri Edwards 28 August 2024

I'd type 'incessantly', not 'incessant', but I'm not in India.

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Bri Edwards 28 August 2024

Please read my 2018 comment. Unfortunately, Valsa has fled PH for a site she prefers after PH 'changed' several years ago. : (

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Bri Edwards 28 August 2024

stygian: 'stygian • \STIJ-ee-un\ • adjective, often capitalized.1: of or relating to the river Styx 2: extremely dark, gloomy, or forbidding.'

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