Angela Davis

Angela Davis Poems

This is for every woman
that cries herself to sleep
that lies alone in bed at night
that stays awake, unable to sleep

Who am I
I don't know
I know what I am,
what labels others apply to me

You say that you love me,
You say that you're here,
You say that I'm not alone,
That I don't have to be anymore...

I reside in her heart
yet I live alone
in the shadowed past
in the uncertain future

Beginning of a new life,
Ending of the old
Security found with another,
Fear of loss

I went for a walk with my love
down to an old vacant lot she took me
littered, and broken up
it made me sad,

For so long I buried and denied
the anger that dwelt within
for all the horrid deeds done to me
that which I could not repress

Tell me of pain, what you know of it.
Is it to be feared, or guarded against
like a tangible foe?
Do you seek it, or merely accept it

Unseen I stand alone
watching, waiting
silently worshiping
the goddess of my heart

When I think of how life used to be,
how I always hid in the shadows,
letting it obscure my existence.
I look at everything you have given me:

My dreams shattered in the tense stillness
as endless threats and blows clothe my form
My stomach flutters in familiar fear
and I am ashamed of my weakness

I was always alone
both body and soul
People saw and turned away
because I was nobody

I remember
hiding, crying,
cowering, screaming,
begging God to end my life

I was a small child
an outlet for my parents' rage,
his vile, sickening lust
and I fought

I saw her in the lot
facing a man twice her size
Defiantly she shouted
her palm cracking his bearded cheek

Hellish beast hunts the night
Stealing loved ones from my sight
In the darkness all is lost
Was my freedom worth the cost?

You quiet
the storm within
my fearful, restless,
shattered soul

I was still young
and able bodied
searching- trying to find
what was to be my life

How is it that everyone knows what I need?
How can they know, when I have no idea
What with which to fill this large aching void?
They say that they love me, but cannot

The sky has lost its color; it looks dull and gray.
The world has lost its charm, and I wish it would go away.
I want to stay here inside myself, hidden in my pain.
The hopes I’ve been clinging to no longer remain.

Angela Davis Biography

I am an aspiring poet and author. I have written several poems that I will gradually add here. Any feed back is welcome, including constructive criticism. Many of my poems are of the abuse. I am placing them in hopes of educating people to it's emotional effects. Too often people think of only the physical harm it causes. But often the emotional suffering inflicted by such things is far worse than the physical, and lasts much longer.)

The Best Poem Of Angela Davis

For Every Woman

This is for every woman
that cries herself to sleep
that lies alone in bed at night
that stays awake, unable to sleep

This is for every woman
that is scared of being hurt again
that has been left behind, heartbroken
that needs to be given something to believe in

This is for every woman
that needs to feel wanted
that wants to feel desirable
that feels like no one even cares

This is for every woman
that has loved another freely
that shows how much she cares
that accepts others for who they are

You are beautiful.
Everything will be okay
if you can believe in yourself.
But most of all, please love yourself.

Angela Davis Comments

Andre Labatt 07 August 2018

What can I say, I sat here and read all 22 poems, all brilliant in their own way, all encompassing, I could not stop. Have you written more? Incredible

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Alexia Sohr 12 August 2006

A most talented poet whom is unafraid to to bring harsh facts of life to light, and discuss them. She is a beautiful woman with a powerful voice who will change the world, given time. No one can read her poetry and remain untouched by her emotion, thoughts, and experiences.

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Angela Davis Quotes

Progressive art can assist people to learn not only about the objective forces at work in the society in which they live, but also about the intensely social character of their interior lives. Ultimately, it can propel people toward social emancipation.

Media mystifications should not obfuscate a simple, perceivable fact; Black teenage girls do not create poverty by having babies. Quite the contrary, they have babies at such a young age precisely because they are poor—because they do not have the opportunity to acquire an education, because meaningful, well-paying jobs and creative forms of recreation are not accessible to them ... because safe, effective forms of contraception are not available to them.

Radical simply means "grasping things at the root."

The work of the political activist inevitably involves a certain tension between the requirement that positions be taken on current issues as they arise and the desire that one's contributions will somehow survive the ravages of time.

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