breanna wilson

breanna wilson Poems

The first one to see her
when she came in this world
I was the first one to hold her
and kiss that baby girl

Toxins in;
never to come out
your lungs, if they could
would scream and shout

mom and dad dont want to let go
they want to keep me a little girl forever
with bows and ribbons to tie my curly hair in
they hate to see me grow up so fast but it is now time to spread my wings far and fly, fly away from the child hood life

A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift.

Every day I think about you,
and I yearn to see your smile
Though I miss you terribly
I can feel your love,

God must have known there would be times
We'd need a word of cheer,
Someone to praise a triumph
Or brush away a tear.

You say your hurting is over.
It feels like you're back from the dead.
But still I can't believe it's over,
And I can't get your sight, your scent from my head.

When I'm with you,
eternity is a step away,
my love continues to grow,
with each passing day.

I remember when i couldn't stand u
I couldn't stand the fact that i loved u
u told me u loved me
and i knew it was true

theres a beautiful angel sent from up above
its a evil angel the heavens call it love
this beautiful falls down from the sky
looking for some one to torture on the wings of a butterfly

You left me hurt and you didn't care
I thought you loved me & would always be there
but you stole my heart and tore it in two
and still I loved you enough to forgive you

Heaven is
all those laughs,
those smiles,
all those great times,

state the obvious i didnt get my perfect fantasy
i realized you love yourself more than you could ever love me
so go around and tell your friends that im obsessive and crazy
but thats fine ill tell mine your gay

I remember as a child sitting on grandpa's knee
But look now the years have flown and that child was me.
The cookies, and candy, and buckets from mardi gras filled with beads and toys,
A trip to grandpa's house was a trip with endless joy.

Sometimes when I take a look
at the hectic world around me,
I feel confused,
but all of the noise fades away

Standing by,
All the way.
Here to help you through your day.

There is a miracle called Friendship
that dwells within the heart
and you don't know how it happens
or when it even starts.

breanna wilson Biography

hey yall check out my poems you will love them! ! ! ! leave me a message and let me know your opinions! ! ! love yall!)

The Best Poem Of breanna wilson

Daddys Little Girl

The first one to see her
when she came in this world
I was the first one to hold her
and kiss that baby girl

I changed her and bathed her
and I made her food
I rocked her to sleep most nights
and I read to her too

I held her in my arms real tight
and I loved her so
I Prayed God would bless her
as I watched her grow

Now here you come along
and want to take her out
Your so close to your last breath
not even knowing how

The first thing she ever was
was everything to me
Harm one hair on her pretty head
and I promise to set you free

Way back in the old days
before she wanted to date
We used to watch cartoons
and play those crazy eights

We rode our bikes
and flew our toy planes
She was tough as any boy
and never once complained

I taught her how to catch a fish
and how to shoot a gun
She can float a quick jab
and bring an uppercut

She knows how to cook
and knows how to clean
But she is not your mama
and will never be your maid

Don’t let me hear you call her names
or ever do her wrong
Don’t let me see you make her cry
or you’ll be calling God

She came into this world
the center of my life
I did my very best
to raise her up right

If you think your man enough
to give this thing a whirl
You just remember this young man
She’s her Daddy’s Girl

breanna wilson Comments

Jerry Hughes 20 December 2007

.....................................................I'm speechless and wordless...yish!

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